Since 1965, we have been committed to providing our clients with the highest quality of craftsmanship and support for all of their contracting needs.


Our Mission

We are dedicated to building quality projects in a responsible manner. We continue to incorporate our core values and cutting-edge technology. We are continually driven to excellence; to meet and exceed all your project needs by using the technology to communicate and ensure your projects are managed in a professional manner.


We apply our own stringent standard operating procedures —not only to our internal staff, but to all of our trade contractors as well. We are committed to a total follow-through. We believe that responsibility in all aspects of the construction project lies with us.


At the start of a project, ML Inc. partners will schedule a pre-construction meeting, to which all members of the project team will be invited. The group will discuss the basic logistics of the construction, the project schedule, weekly meeting times, distribution lists, e-mail addresses, and so on.

The Team

ML works on for the owner and we insist a “team” philosophy, from owner, to architect, to engineer, to trade contractors. We work as a team, and will address issues as a team. All parties are always aware of all issues as they surface. Often, situations can be handled within this team structure without having to take away from your valuable time, always with the best interests of the client in mind.


Throughout the construction process all parties will be kept well informed of all developments, changes, scheduling issues, etc. From our weekly meetings, daily logs, electronic photographs and emailing updates, you will never be in the dark regarding your project.

Questions? Call us today!